Saturday, August 28, 2010

Going Bananas!

I scored an entire bag (16 bananas) for just $0.79 yesterday!! The produce lady was marking tons of produce down, but we didn't have time to hunt for much else. I was excited enough just with the bananas, though!

So, what am I going to do with all those bananas, you ask?

Well, I kept two out for eating. I sliced 12 of them into pieces and froze them. I will use those in banana bread, banana muffins, smoothies, etc... I love making gluten-free banana chocolate chip muffins - I freeze them and then pull them out as needed for breakfast (or a snack!).

And the other two? I made frozen chocolate-covered bananas out of them! No, I haven't eaten one yet, so I don't know how they taste...but I'm willing to bet they'll be delicious!


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