Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Gratituesday: a new job!

This week, I am grateful for my new job! Since we moved to our small town for my husband's job in the middle of July (about six weeks ago), I have not been able to find a job.

It's not that I need to work. My husband's income is plenty for us to live on. It's more that I want to work. I just can't sit at home all the time. I prefer to be busy! I have been able to find things to do at home since we moved, but I'm still bored.

The plan is that whatever I make in my job will go straight into our savings account, where we can have "emergency" money, "fun" money, etc. We hope to be able to use some of it to buy new living room furniture, hopefully before Christmas (we're still using my grandparent's furniture now!). My husband would also love a bigger TV... :)

Last week, out of the blue, I received a phone call from our local school district asking me if I wanted to take a position with their After School Program. I've accepted the job and I'm really excited! I'll be working with the After School Program, tutoring and assisting in the classrooms during the day, and likely subbing as well.

This Tuesday, I am so grateful for my new job! God certainly had a hand in providing this job for me!

Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!


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