Sunday, October 3, 2010

Weekly To Do List 10/3

Here's this week's To Do List!
  • Finish laundry? This will depend on whether or not our dryer starts working/gets fixed... Well, the dryer won't be fixed for awhile yet. I just did the last of the darks and air-dried them on the deck! I'm not doing laundry unless we're out of clothes now!
  • Clean shower.
  • Sweep kitchen and bathroom. I've given up on mopping until our basement has been totally cleaned. It's just pointless to try now...
  • Put together shopping plans for the week - Monday or Tuesday.
  • Finalize the October menu.
This week's list will probably be light since my After School Program starts this week. This will be my first week with scheduled work hours, so I'll be trying to establish a routine.


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