Sunday, December 19, 2010

Menu Plan 12/19

After the blizzard last weekend, we thankfully did not have any snow this week! It still stayed bitter cold all week, but they are forecasting a heat wave warmer temperatures for this week (like +20, instead of -20!). This week will be an extremely busy one for us - Christmas is not exactly a "relaxing" time for a pastor's family!

On top of numerous church services this week (six between Tues. night and Sunday morning!), we also have lots of family visiting. Mike's parents will be here Thursday through Sunday. Mike's sister and her boyfriend will be here on Thursday for dinner. And then my family (4 or 5 of them) will be here next Sunday through Tuesday. We are so excited to be able to see everyone!

Sunday: Pizza burgers (I think)

Monday: Chicken Shepherd's Pie (from a Taste of Home cookbook)

Tuesday: Advent dinner at the "little" church

Wednesday: Advent dinner at the "big" church

Thursday: Christmas dinner #1 - Ham, mashed potatoes, veggies, rolls

Friday: Gluten Free Pizza for everyone (using my Bob's Red Mill crust mix)

Saturday: Christmas dinner #2 - Pork roast (crockpot, while we go to La Crosse), roasted potatoes, veggies

For breakfast, we each grab what we want: waffles, muffins, pancakes, cold cereal, yogurt, etc.

For lunch, I usually eat leftovers. My husband eats a sandwich or leftovers - he takes his lunch to work most days. Now that I'm working part time, I take my lunch to school (and usually we meet at church and eat together!).


  1. Sounds like a very busy and fun week. Don't you just love this time of year?
    Have a terrific Christmas!
    Please stop by and enter my $30 IHOP gift card giveaway.

  2. Your menu looks very good. We would love your Chicken Shepherd's Pie. Thank you for sharing and Merry Christmas!

  3. have a wonderful time visiting with all the members of the family that visit sounds as if you have a well planned menu one that all will enjoy


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