Friday, December 17, 2010

Excedrin coupons!

Right now, you can request two coupons for free products and one high value coupon, all for Excedrin (by mail), over at!

I requested all three coupons several weeks ago when they were offered directly through Excedrin's website, but I was still able to request them today. That doesn't mean I'll get all of them, but it doesn't hurt to try, since it let me!

Head on over and check it out!

Also - check and see if you can print a 2.00/1 Pure & Natural product (soaps, shampoo, etc., not diapers!) while you're there. This is a great coupon if you can print it! Unfortunately, it tells me that my limit has been reached, even though I haven't printed any. I usually use their hand soaps since they don't have fragrance, as I have such dry hands. (Thanks, Charlene!)


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