Sunday, April 10, 2011

Menu Plan 4/10

We are prepping for some nasty storms today and into the week here in Wisconsin. I sure hope our electric doesn't go out. If it does, I have no idea what we will eat! :) I am just going to plan on eating what is on our monthly plan. If I do that, we won't lose power, will we?!

(Oh, and I did mention that if the power goes out, the sump will stop running? And if the sump pump stops running, the basement will flood? Yeah. That's that kinda fun we're having here now.)

Sunday: Burgers, homemade fries, veggies. (We aren't even going to attempt grilling with the weather that's coming!)

Monday: Pizza chicken.

Tuesday: Lenten dinner at the little church.

Wednesday: Lenten dinner at the big church.

Thursday: Tacos (from the freezer).

Friday: Pepperoni Macaroni, garlic toast.

Saturday: Grilled burgers or Cheeseburger Pie, potatoes, veggies.

For breakfast, we each grab what we want: waffles, muffins, cinnamon rolls, pancakes, cold cereal, yogurt, etc.

For lunch, I usually eat leftovers. My husband eats a sandwich or leftovers - he takes his lunch to work most days. Since I work part time, I take my lunch to school (and usually we meet at church and eat together!).


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