Sunday, April 3, 2011

Menu Plan 4/3

This week has already been dubbed "Marathon Week" at our house. While I wish we could say we were actually running a marathon, this marathon is more like a full week of work, numerous church meeting and services and even a potluck thrown in for good measure! I am preparing myself mentally already...

Sunday: Pizza meatloaf, garlic toast.

Monday: Salsa chicken, veggies.

Tuesday: Lenten dinner at the little church.

Wednesday: Lenten dinner at the big church.

Thursday: Ladies' Aid potluck.

Friday: Grilled chicken.

Saturday: Pasta (probably spaghetti).

For breakfast, we each grab what we want: waffles, muffins, cinnamon rolls, pancakes, cold cereal, yogurt, etc.

For lunch, I usually eat leftovers. My husband eats a sandwich or leftovers - he takes his lunch to work most days. Since I work part time, I take my lunch to school (and usually we meet at church and eat together!).


  1. Fellow gluten free menu planner here! Love your "lenten dinner at the little church/big church!" too cute! Are you usually able to find save meals at church potlucks? Your meals sound yummy!

  2. There's lot of yummy meals planned this week.

    Have a wonderful week.

  3. Carrie-As far as eating at church potlucks, the short answer is NO. Normally.

    Most people are aware of my dietary needs and some do accomodate. But, still, I get things like, "Oh yeah...hmmm...I DID put flour in that!"

    Generally, I can be found in the kitchen warming up leftovers in the 20+ year old microwave. For me, unless I am absolutely certain it's 100% GF - I don't eat it. To put it nicely, there are only certain people I trust. :)


I enjoy hearing from you! Please let me know if there's something specific you're looking for!