Monday, April 11, 2011

Purex with Zout Review

As a Purex Insider, I received a bottle of new Purex Complete with Zout laundry detergent recently. I love trying new products and reviewing them as I know how much this helps companies. Here are a few of my thoughts about the new Purex:
  • This laundry detergent cleaned our laundry as well as any other detergent I've tried, if not better. (And remember, I buy the cheap stuff!)
  • We are not very dirty people. It's just my husband and! I am certain that someday (soon, I hope!), I will be dealing with all of those lovely kids' stains on clothes but right now, we don't have too many stains. That being said, it's difficult for me to evaluate the stain-fighting power of the new Purex with Zout stain remover. Don't forget - I like my Shout, too!
  • The new Purex detergent starts at $3.49, so it's not the most expensive detergent out there. With a coupon, it's likely fairly affordable.

Here's a few important facts about this new detergent:
{Disclaimer: I received the product free as a member of the Purex Insider team. Opinions expressed in this review are purely my own, always. I received no compensation for the review, other than the initial free product.}


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