Monday, May 23, 2011

Life in a Small Town...

We moved to small town Wisconsin this past summer, due to my husband’s first call as a pastor in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Since this was our first call, we were not able to say yes or no to the call – we were expected to take it.

We did provide the seminary with a few of our preferences:
  1. Not extremely rural.
  2. In the Midwest, but not in the North.
  3. Not a dual parish.
In late April, we sat in a church service and waited to hear our first placement. I can remember it clearly: two church names! My dad looked at me and said, “Does that mean it’s a dual parish?!” And after the service, my father-in-law says, “Oh, Emily, that is a town of less than 1,000…”

Hmmm, interesting…

Yep, you heard that right. We got a call:
  1. In an extremely rural area.
  2. In the North part of the Midwest.
  3. In a dual parish.
Stay tuned next Monday for Part 2...and find out how we really feel about small town life!


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