Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Glade printable coupons: FREE Expressions products!

$3.00 off Glade Expressions Fragrance Mist
There are several great coupons available now for Glade Expressions products:

You can print from two links for the Fragrance Mist starter...
You can print from two links for the Oil Diffuser starter also...

You also may be able to print a third set of both coupons from Target's coupon section. These are also manufacturer coupons, but they haven't been printing for everyone.

These coupons can likely net your free or very inexpensive Expressions products!

At Target, the Fragrance Mist starter should be $2.99, so free after the $3 coupon! The Oil Diffuser starter should be about $6, so about $1 after that coupon.

I am thinking you should find similar prices at Walmart.

Thanks, Totally Target!


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