Monday, September 17, 2012

Walmart: Gerber Graduates Sippy Cups as low as $1.47!

Here is a nice deal on sippy cups at Walmart. These new Gerber Graduates cups in animal print designs are only sold at Walmart and are priced at $2.97.

Gerber Graduates Sippy Cup, $2.97 (Animal print designs only)
--Buy 2 and use $3 off 2 Gerber Graduates product printable.
$1.47 each wyb 2 after coupon!

Or, if you only want one cup:

Gerber Graduates Sippy Cup, $2.97 (Animal print designs only)
--Use $1 off Gerber Graduates product printable.
$1.97 after coupon!

Thanks, My Frugal Adventures!

*I am not sure if anyone can get the $3/2 coupon or if you need to be signed up already...but you can at least get a sippy cup for $1.97 with the $1 off coupon!


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