Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sign up for UPS My Choice: Free delivery alerts!

Now is a great time to sign up for the UPS My Choice program, before you start ordering gifts online!

I am actually signed up for this and really like it. It's super easy, helpful and FREE!

I shop online quite frequently (we live in a rural area), so I'm always getting packages at our place. With UPS My Choice, I receive an email when my item ships and that gives me a four hour window of when it will be delivered to my condo. Then I also receive an email when the package has been dropped at my door.

Also - if my shipment is delayed for some reason, they will also notify the recipient of that (which has actually happened to me once). It's super nice to know these details if you're going to need to plan to be at home to get the package!

Once again, UPS My Choice is completely free! You will never be charged a penny. Sign up only takes a few minutes and you'll be ready to go!


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