Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Book review: "Pastors' Wives" by Lisa Takeuchi Cullen

I just finished reading "Pastors' Wives" by Lisa Takeuchi Cullen. I finished the book, BUT I was seriously offended by this book as a whole.

I understand that this is a fiction book. However, it was extremely difficult for me to read it as fiction because I am a pastor's wife. I felt like this book shed a very negative light on pastors' wives and that was hard to stomach from my perspective.

The three pastors' wives in this book seem to be drama magnets and that's what the entire book centers around. I feel like that is not an accurate representation of pastors' wives. As a pastor's wife, I do whatever I can to stay out of the limelight and not attract drama. I also did not care for the fact that the senior pastor's wife had so much control at the church (this stems from my personal religious beliefs as a LCMS Lutheran).

I could list many more "issues" that I had with this book, but that's not the point. If you are able to read this book strictly as fiction, then you will likely enjoy it. If, like me, it hits closer to home, then it will more than likely not be as enjoyable for you (and may be slightly offensive).

Read more reviews and more about the author at the Litfuse website.

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Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own.


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