Friday, September 3, 2010

Frugal Friday

I like to think I'm frugal in many different ways. Since getting married, I've become more frugal. Even since we moved this last time (our third major move in 18 months of marriage!), I've become even more frugal.

I think that one of my more recent revelations was the cooking from scratch is a great way to be frugal!

Because I have to eat gluten free, that could drastically increase the cost of food for me. But it doesn't. I honestly don't think I spend much more than the average family of two. In reality, I likely spend less.

How is that possible? I almost never buy prepackaged gluten-free products. I do buy flour mixes (although I have found ways to get those at a discounted price!), but generally, I don't buy the prepackaged stuff. It costs an arm and a leg and it's filled with stuff I don't need to eat. I can pretty much make any of that stuff from scratch at home. And trust me, my homemade muffins taste FAR better than any storebought GF muffins does!

Don't get me wrong - I'm still learning! I think cooking is a continuous learning experience for everyone. I find new recipes and methods every day - which means my menu is quite varied - and we love that!

Now, I'm off to make muffins for the freezer!

Every Friday, Life as Mom hosts "Frugal Friday" over on her blog!


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