Friday, October 1, 2010

Super Savings Saturday 10-2-10

Our spending was a bit abnormal this week, after our flooding problems.

All told, I think we did pretty good, considering how our week went!

As far as groceries go, I spent $11.99 at Festival on Friday morning. I just bought chicken breasts ($5.99 for 3 lbs.), Italian sausage (2 lbs.) and a 1/2 gallon of milk ($1.49).

I also went to Walmart on Tuesday and spent about $20.00 (although that doesn't come out of our weekly spending). I picked up a couple birthday treats for my husband and a Brita pitcher for his office.

I am planning on going to Copps next Wednesday since I didn't make it this last week.

Even though nothing went as planned last week, we still kept our spending to a minimum (thanks to the generosity of church members!). I had to remind myself that it was okay to buy items just because they were necessary for survival!

We hope to be back to "normal" here very soon!


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