Sunday, May 8, 2011

Menu Plan 5/8

This will be an odd week around here - my husband will be gone for a few days for a conference and I'm unable to go with him because of my work schedule. Outside of that, it's sure to be a busy week, yet again!

Sunday: Shish Kebabs on the grill with steak and chicken, roasted potatoes, veggies.

Monday: Quesadillas.

Tuesday: Spaghetti. Leftovers.

Wednesday: Chicken Enchilada dip (using shredded chicken from the freezer and my .98 Philly cooking cream!). Spaghetti.

Thursday: Cheeseburger Meatloaf, fried potatoes, veggies..

Friday: Fiesta Chicken with Rice (I will probably play around with this recipe this time!).

Saturday: Grill. Chicken Enchilada dip (using shredded chicken from the freezer and my .98 Philly cooking cream!).

For breakfast, we each grab what we want: waffles, muffins, cinnamon rolls, pancakes, cold cereal, yogurt, etc.

For lunch, I usually eat leftovers. My husband eats a sandwich or leftovers - he takes his lunch to work most days. Since I work part time, I take my lunch to school (and usually we meet at church and eat together!).

This post is linked to Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday!


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