Sunday, October 16, 2011

Red Plum printables: $3/1 Abreva, $2/1 Nature's Bounty Co Q-10, plus more!

I'll have the regular Sunday Coupon Round-up post up later today, but there a few good coupons I want to highlight now on Red Red Plum coupons tend to disappear very quickly!

$3/1 Abreva - This is pretty high in value.

$2/1 Nature's Bounty Co Q-10 - This is Buy One Get One at Kmart this week. Select Nature's Bounty vitamins are also B1G1 free at Copps, through Wed.

$1.50/1 Breathe Right (12 ct. or smaller) - We see sales at the drugstores pretty often on these. This is an especially great coupon if you use this product regularly!

$0.75/1 Schick Hydro shave gel - We see this for about $2 quite regularly. I just got some at Kmart on Saturday for only $1 per can!


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