Saturday, October 15, 2011

Shopping in Mauston today


I needed to run several errands in Mauston today (like shipping more books from my Amazon trade-in!), so I took the opportunity to pick up a few good deals, too.

At Kmart, I bought:
2 Schick Hydro, $1 each (used two $1/1 printables)
2 Skintimate gel, $1.25 each (used two $0.75/1 printables)
2 Suave Professionals conditioner, $0.50 each (on sale for $2 ea.; used B1G1 free coupon from 10/2 RP plus $1/2 Recycle Bank printable)
Spent $6.16.

I was excited that the Suave deal worked fine! I lucked out and found some bonus packages (they have small hair spray bottles attached), which makes the deal even better.

I also got a few good deals at Festival. The Festival sales are good through next Wednesday!

Gala apples, $2.16 ($0.89/lb.)
Red Delicious apples, $3.18 ($0.89/lb.)
Broccoli, $1.34 ($0.99/lb.)
2 evaporated milk, $0.50 each (markdown cart)
Black beans, $0.48 (markdown cart)
Crystal Farms cream cheese, $0.99 (with store coupon)
Progresso Rich & Hearty soup, $2.27
Spent $11.27.

*I will submit the rebate for the Progresso Rich and Hearty soup (I did put this on a separate receipt) and get my money back! My husband likes to keep one or two soups in his office for quick lunches during the winter, so this is perfect.

*This is just about the best price we've seen on apples around here. I am planning to make homemade crockpot applesauce for the first time on Sunday!


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