Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Shopping on Monday: Dollar General and Walgreens

While I was in Mauston on Monday, I stopped in to a few stores.

Walgreens and Dollar General
At Dollar General, I picked up the Schick Hydro 3 razors:

Two Hydro 3 razors, $1 after sale and coupons (They are on sale for $6 and I used my $5/1 coupons!)
Spent $2.66.

At Walgreens, I did three transactions to maximize my Register Rewards:

Transaction 1
2 Dentek floss picks (110 ct. bonus packs), $1 each (used $1 off coupon from sample and $1 off printable)
Spent $2.22.
*Got $2 Register Reward.

Transaction 2
2 Capri Sun, $2 each (not pictured)
--Used $2 RR from Transaction 1.
Spent $4.33.
*Got $1.50 Register Reward.

Transaction 3
2 Popcorn, Indiana, $0.99 each (used $1 off printables)
Yardley soap, $0.44 (used $0.25/1 coupon from Sept. All You, donation item)
2 Hershey candy, $0.99 (used $1 off printables)
Listerine (1 liter), $2.99 (used $1 off printable)
--Used $1.50 RR.
Spent $7.37.


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