Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Printable coupons: $1 off Eco Tools, plus Kashi coupons!

There's a host of new coupons that popped up today:

$1 off Eco Tools product - You can find the shower puffs at some Target stores for $1.04, so $0.04 after coupon! I've also heard that you can find these products at Walmart.

$1 off Barilla pasta sauce - use zip 12345 (Thanks, Coupon STL!)

$1 off Kashi Go Lean Crisp Cinnamon Crumble cereal

$1 off Kashi Go Lean cereal

$1 off a box of Kashi Soft 'n Chewy Banana Chocolate Chip Bars

$0.75 off Wet Ones (still available) - Use this on the travel packs that are about $1 at many stores.

FREE Fantastik cleaner wyb Pledge or Armstrong floor cleaner (still available)

Copps has a great deal on Kashi products through Saturday:

Buy 3 boxes at regular price and get $5 off instantly at checkout. Now, regular price is around $4.29 for the cereal...but this is still a nice deal, especially for Kashi. For cereal, the deal would look like this:

3 Boxes of Kashi cereal = about $12.90.
Get $5 off at checkout = $7.90.
Use three $1 off coupons = $4.90 for three boxes, or $1.63 per box.

The deal is even better if you have the $2 off Kashi coupon from Recycle Bank!

I don't know the regular prices of any other Kashi products at Copps, but I wouldn't think they would be any higher than the cereal. You can mix and match products, too.


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