Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Reading Update: Quitter, Eat That Frog

As the end of January neared, I thought I might not accomplish my goal of reading three books per month from my 2012 Reading List, but I did it!

I read "Quitter" by Jon Acuff during January. I enjoyed the book, but it wasn't a book that completely rocked my world or anything. I am at a stage in life where I'm not able to "follow my dream" and I'm okay with that. We hope the situation will change in the future, but that's in God's hands!

Jon Acuff is definitely an engaging writer and certainly kept me thinking as I read!

I also read "Eat That Frog!" by Brian Tracy this month. This was a very quick and easy read, packed with many helpful "nuggets" of information. Tracy has so many helpful tips for increasing productivity. Here's two points that I found especially helpful:
  1. Plan every day in advance. I know personally what a difference this makes in my life! If I don't have my planner, I'm lost. Each day, I do try to spend a few minutes planning for the day - and for the week.
  2. Slice and dice the task. Breaking down a task into smaller pieces is a great idea! This is something that I don't always remember to do. I want to work on doing more of this in the future with the different tasks that I face.
I also stuck with my goal to read one book from a list that I have not publicized.

Here's what I'm planning to read in February:


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