Monday, November 21, 2011

Surviving the Holidays Gluten Free: Enjoy the holidays!

Over the past month, we've talked about how to survive the holidays when you are on a gluten free diet. It can be difficult - but it certainly is possible!

Let's review:
  1. When you're gluten free and will be dining in someone else's home, you have three choices: eat something before you go; take "safe" food along with you; or eat what items you can at the person's house. Don't forget to talk with the hostess before you go!
  2. When you're gluten free and need to dine out at a restaurant, you will want to remember to check the restaurant's website ahead of time for a menu and nutritional information. If needed, don't hesitate to call the restaurant ahead of time to speak to someone in the kitchen.
  3. Facing all of those sweets during the holiday season can be a challenge! So what's a GF'er to do?! There's a few options: keep a few storebought gluten free treats on hand; focus on the naturally gluten free sweets; or make your own homemade gluten free treats.
One of the biggest things you can do to adjust your thoughts on being gluten free is remember this:

Concentrate on what you can eat - not what you can't.

Remembering this has made a huge difference in how I approach food. When you see a spread of food, figure out what you can eat safely. When you see something you want but can't have, figure out a way to make it gluten free! Don't dwell on the foods you can't eat - it only makes you crave them more!

The bottom line is this: Don't let being gluten free cloud your holidays! Food does not need to be the focus of the holiday season. Yes, food is a key part of many of our holiday celebrations. But it should not be the sole focus.

In some ways, this year, I'm thankful that I'm gluten free. Why, you ask? Being gluten free has taught me so much about food, cooking and baking. {And I still have miles to go!} I eat healthier because of this diet. I'm more creative in the kitchen because I'm gluten free.

How are you going to survive the holidays this year, in spite of your gluten free diet?


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