Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer Cleaning Day 7

Whew! I am exhausted today. My Summer Cleaning project was a doozy today! Today's project was to wipe down the baseboards in your home. I also cleaned all of our door frames while I was at it - those were dirty!

Today's project was not necessarily difficult, but it took me a long time! When I was finally done, though, I was thankful to have it done since some parts of our condo were rather dirty and dusty!

Since I was on a roll with the cleaning, I decided to tackle the sweeping and and vacuuming of all our ceramic floors (entryway, kitchen, and both bathrooms). This desperately needed to be done, so I'm glad I pushed through and did it!

Summer Cleaning continues tomorrow with this task:

Wipe down the door handles and switchplates in your home. I recommend using a solution of water & disinfectant and a rag (or you can use a disinfectant wipe).

If you need to catch up:
  • Days 1 & 2 - clean out your purse, wash throw blankets and clean the refrigerator.
  • Day 3 - clean the freezer.
  • Day 4 - vacuum underneath beds.
  • Day 5 - vacuum underneath couches and chairs.
  • Day 6 - clean the washer & dryer and clean out the car.


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