Sunday, May 19, 2013

Menu Plan 5/19: Pizza Pie, Buttermilk Chicken Strips, and more!

Sunday: Leftover grilled pork chops, potatoes, veggie.

Monday: Pizza Pie with Italian sausage, gluten free cornbread muffins, veggie.

Tuesday: Buttermilk chicken strips, potatoes, and veggie.

Wednesday: Breakfast for dinner.

Thursday: BBQ Chicken Sandwiches, rice, and veggie.

Friday: Grill.

Saturday: Grill or out-to-eat.

For breakfast, we each grab what we want: waffles, muffins, cinnamon rolls, pancakes, cold cereal, yogurt, etc.

For lunch, I usually eat leftovers or something simple, like grilled cheese or quesadillas. My husband eats a sandwich or leftovers - he takes his lunch to work.

Are you interested in menu planning? Read my two part series about why menu planning is so beneficial and how to get started. I promise it will help you live more intentionally!

This post is linked at Menu Plan Monday and the Gluten Free Menu Swap.

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