Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekly Goals 3/12: Reading, cleaning and soup-making

There weren't any surprises in my week last week, which meant that I was able to accomplish quite a bit on my weekly goals list.

Family Goals
  • Love my husband.

Personal Goals

Home Management Goals
  • Clean out and reorganize our bathroom closet, which holds all of our linens, plus our health and beauty stockpile. I spent Tuesday afternoon working on this extensive project.
  • Sweep and mop the floors.
  • Make Butterhorns for my husband.
  • Make two pans of bars for this weekend's Corned Beef & Cabbage dinner at church. I made Snickerdoodle Blondies with Cinnamon Chips and Whole Wheat Brownies.
Blog Goals

This week should be about the same for us. We don't have anything out of the ordinary planned, which is kinda nice. :)

Family Goals
  • Love my husband.

Personal Goals

Home Management
  • Make Cheeseburger Soup for Lenten dinner on Wednesday night.
  • Vacuum floors (family room and bedrooms).

Blog Goals
  • Brainstorm for my "Top 10 List" series (which will run in April and May!).
  • Review and host a giveaway for Purex Insiders: post on Monday night. I'll be giving away four coupons, each for a free Purex product, so be sure to enter the giveaway!


  1. I love your to do list. I know that there are a million things on my list but I never seem to get much of it done. I think that I am going to have to start a list like yours... I decided the best way to start was to reserve the two books you are reading at the library :) I already read the book you are listening to on tape so I will now have to make my own list!!

    1. Alison -

      My to do list certainly keeps me focused. I have yearly goals, monthly goals and weekly goals. I think the key is keeping your list manageable!

      I have a review coming tomorrow evening about the Goals! book by Brian Tracy. In the meantime, you can also check out the list of books I plan to read in 2012:


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