Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Cleaning Day 9

Yes, I took this picture at an angle!

Well, today's Summer Cleaning project resulted in me located a lot of dust! Today's assignment was to clean all of your light fixtures.

The first place I found dust was on our dining room chandelier. This actually housed the least amount of dust today! In order to remove the "shades," I also had to remove the lightbulbs. I then washed the shades in soapy water and scrubbed the chandelier well.

After that, I moved onto to each of our bathroom light fixtures. Here, I found dust - and LOTS of it! The lightbulbs were caked in dust and the fixtures themselves were quite gross, too.

Boy, was it nice to get these fixtures scrubbed down thoroughly! I have a feeling that our bathrooms will be brighter now... :)

Tomorrow, here's your task:

Clean out and organize the drawers in your kitchen. Remove everything, wipe down the inside of the drawers, and reorganize the contents. Throw away or donate any items that you no longer use.

If you need to catch up:
  • Days 1 & 2 - clean out your purse, wash throw blankets and clean the refrigerator.
  • Day 3 - clean the freezer.
  • Day 4 - vacuum underneath beds.
  • Day 5 - vacuum underneath couches and chairs.
  • Day 6 - clean the washer & dryer and clean out the car.
  • Day 7 - clean the baseboards (and door frames).
  • Day 8 - clean the switchplates and door handles.


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